Friday, June 12, 2009


Hello my friends, my name is Charles Welch and I'd like to welcome you to The Wolverine Lounge...soon to be I believe one of the best Michigan Wolverine Football sites on the internet! My mission with starting this blog is threefold...first of all, I want The Wolverine Lounge to be highly INFORMATIVE. I am going to work extremely hard and dedicate alot of time/energy to updating this blog multiple times each day. It is my strong desire to give a detailed and objective analysis on a consistence basis regarding the condition and activities of the Michigan Football Team. When you look at all the experts...Rivals, Scout, Espn etc. you see some really heavy hitters when it comes to analyzing athletes and the game they play. I want to be more informative, more analytical, more precise...dare I say it? Better!!! Better than the experts!? Of course, it will take some time to get there but in the words of Maverick "I'm a workin' on it." But ego aside I also want this thing to be INTERACTIVE. I'm looking at new ways to express myself by combining music and video and comedy within the context of relating to sports. I encourage others to do so as well! It's not as much fun just sitting here typing to myself (believe me I'll do it), so feel free to post your thoughts on the all-time winningest program in the nation. Thirdly, this needs to be FUN. I'm a fairly objective guy who takes Michigan Football seriously...but ain't nothin' worth the trouble if you don't have FUN!!! So let's be creative!
P.S. Call me Charles or Chadillac...each is good!

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